Tribal Warm Line:

Public Notice – Environmental Assessment for Clarence Wesley Health Center

To all interested parties and persons:

Notice is hereby given that a draft Environmental Assessment for the Clarence Wesley Health Center is available for review. The San Carlos Apache Healthcare Corporation (SCAHC) plans to complete construction on a new facility that is approximately 33,400 square feet including exam rooms, administrative offices, wellness area, dental, optometry, and imaging and x-ray. It will meet the needs for a new facility to the medically underserved residents of the community. The 50-acre health center site is situated in the Bylas community located south of U.S. Highway 70, where the highway crosses the Gila River. From Highway 70, the site can be accessed via Indian Route 193.
The draft Environmental Assessment has been prepared to assess the environmental impacts of the proposed construction of the Project. An Environmental Assessment is required to comply with the requirements of entering a lease with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and in preparation for constructing the Project. SCAHC is seeking a finding that the Project will have no significant impact on the environment.
A full copy of the draft Environmental Assessment will be available for review at the Ambassador’s desk in the administration building of the hospital in Peridot, the front desk of the Tribal Administration Building in San Carlos, the Tribal Land Use Department, the SCAHC website and ethoscm.com/clarence-wesley-hc. This Environment Assessment may be examined for a period of 30 days on Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. Any individual, group, or agency desiring to comment on the Project may submit written comments to:

San Carlos Apache Healthcare Corporation
Attn: Isaiah Belknap (Deputy CEO)
PO BOX 787
Peridot, AZ 85542

All comments received after November 27, 2024, will not be considered.

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