Tribal Warm Line:
San Carlos Apache Healthcare office
Vicki Began headshot

Victoria (Vicki) Began, RN, MN

Chief Executive Officer

Ms. Began is the Chief Executive Officer of the San Carlos Apache Healthcare Corporation (SCAHC) and previously served as SCAHC’s Chief Nursing Officer. Ms. Began is a Registered Nurse and holds a Master in Nursing Administration and Management Specialization from University of Phoenix. She previously worked for 28 years at the University Medical Center in Tucson serving as Chief Nursing Officer, Patient Care Manager, and Vice President of Women, Children’s and Emergency Services. Ms. Began supports the mission, vision, and values of the San Carlos Apache Tribe and its people based on patient-centric care.

Ms. Began is the Chief Executive Officer of the San Carlos Apache Healthcare Corporation (SCAHC) and previously served as SCAHC’s Chief Nursing Officer. Ms. Began is a Registered Nurse and holds a Master in Nursing Administration and Management Specialization from University of Phoenix. She previously worked for 28 years at the University Medical Center in Tucson serving as Chief Nursing Officer, Patient Care Manager, and Vice President of Women, Children’s and Emergency Services. Ms. Began supports the mission, vision, and values of the San Carlos Apache Tribe and its people based on patient-centric care.

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